After the additional purchase of another grid area, the successfully launched web portal for Primeo customers was also to be put at the new customer’s disposal. Primeo Energie asked us for conceptional and technical implementation of the integration to the web portal. Secondly, additional functions were integrated in order to open digital services of the thermal energy division for customers.
The existing and the new grid area had completely different master data, which we had to combine in a sensible manner. In this case, however, there were partially differing electricity products, subscription offers as well as meters and we had to pave the way for each area.
Furthermore, it was on task to expand the existing functions of the sectors electricity, water, wastewater, garbage and district heating, so that the user can easily fetch data in a clear and comfortable manner.
The existing and the new grid area had completely different master data, which we had to combine in a sensible manner. In this case, however, there were partially differing electricity products, subscription offers as well as meters and we had to pave the way for each area.
Furthermore, it was on task to expand the existing functions of the sectors electricity, water, wastewater, garbage and district heating, so that the user can easily fetch data in a clear and comfortable manner.
In close cooperation with the person responsible for master data, we determined distinguishable characteristics for the areas (e.g, address data, products) and gradually expanded the existing process logic (ABAP and OData-Services). By defining the characteristics with a maintainable customizing, this solution is flexible and sustainable. OData-Services deliver business data from SAP ERP/IS-U to web portal and encapsulate the business logic, if possible. The frontend created in Angular reacts to data delivery by backend and, based on this, generates visualization and possibilities for interaction. The existing processes “invoices”, “summary of consumption”, “meter reading”, “relocation” and “change of product” were expanded and area-specific default templates were implemented.
We held the lead conception and execution role of the entire project and monitored it with comprehensive testing and quality assurance.
In close cooperation with the person responsible for master data, we determined distinguishable characteristics for the areas (e.g, address data, products) and gradually expanded the existing process logic (ABAP and OData-Services). By defining the characteristics with a maintainable customizing, this solution is flexible and sustainable. OData-Services deliver business data from SAP ERP/IS-U to web portal and encapsulate the business logic, if possible. The frontend created in Angular reacts to data delivery by backend and, based on this, generates visualization and possibilities for interaction. The existing processes “invoices”, “summary of consumption”, “meter reading”, “relocation” and “change of product” were expanded and area-specific default templates were implemented.
We held the lead conception and execution role of the entire project and monitored it with comprehensive testing and quality assurance.
The expansion of the existing web portal and, concurrently, migrating the master data lead to significant savings in time. From day one, Primeo Energie was able to position itself as a devoted and innovative provider in its new grid area. The new customers, which had not had a portal yet, embraced the product and the number of users almost doubled in a short time. Our customer rated the project progression and especially our flexible project management highly positive. In this case we were able to offer a complete package including a full stack implementation with conception, project management, testing, quality assurance and autonomous going live and, therefore, we could significantly relieve our client in a highly active time.
Sehr positiv wurden auch der Projektverlauf und vor allem unsere Flexibilität in puncto Projektmanagement bewertet: In diesem Fall durften wir neben der Full-Stack-Implementierung mit Konzeption, Projektführung, Testing, Qualitätssicherung und eigenständiger Live-Setzung ein komplettes Paket anbieten und dadurch unseren Kunden in einer umtriebigen Phase deutlich entlasten.
The expansion of the existing web portal and, concurrently, migrating the master data lead to significant savings in time. From day one, Primeo Energie was able to position itself as a devoted and innovative provider in its new grid area. The new customers, which had not had a portal yet, embraced the product and the number of users almost doubled in a short time. Our customer rated the project progression and especially our flexible project management highly positive. In this case we were able to offer a complete package including a full stack implementation with conception, project management, testing, quality assurance and autonomous going live and, therefore, we could significantly relieve our client in a highly active time.
Sehr positiv wurden auch der Projektverlauf und vor allem unsere Flexibilität in puncto Projektmanagement bewertet: In diesem Fall durften wir neben der Full-Stack-Implementierung mit Konzeption, Projektführung, Testing, Qualitätssicherung und eigenständiger Live-Setzung ein komplettes Paket anbieten und dadurch unseren Kunden in einer umtriebigen Phase deutlich entlasten.
“smart. inspiring. future-oriented.” Primeo Energie makes homes smarter, mobility more sustainable, and motivates people to use energy efficiently. The company develops energy solutions for private and business customers, energy utilities, cities, and municipalities. 650 employees reliably supply energy to over 170,000 customers in Switzerland and France. Business areas are energy, grid, heat, and renewable energies. Primeo Energie is active along the entire value chain, from production and trading to distribution and sales. By imparting knowledge to children and young people, Primeo Energie is helping to ensure that future generations also live responsibly. Founded in 1897 as the EBM cooperative, Primeo Energie is headquartered in Münchenstein (Switzerland) and has offices in Paris, Strasbourg, and Saint-Louis in France.